When Threats Arise, Pray!

July 31, 2016
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The other day I went shopping. When I entered the store a clerk said “Good morning! Hope you are having a great day! May I help you find something? I said, “Yes,” she ran and got what I needed with a smile on her face. I went to another department looking for something else and the same thing happened! The clerk had a huge smile on his face and went out of the way to fill my need and give me the best coupon available. Then I went to the grocery story and it was the same! Then I woke up… Seriously, though, it was not a dream! And, though a simple thing, it had a great impact on me.


What does it take to be a community in unity? What does it mean to be in harmony or at one with each other? This week we look at what a famous king did. Hezekiah had troubles. A strong enemy came against Israel. This enemy had wreaked havoc with nations all around them. What to do? Come and find out. Sunday School for all at 9:15 and worship at 10:30. Can’t wait to see you!


READ 2 Kings 18-19 and Philippians 4:6-7

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