Each fourth Sunday the youth are “in charge of” the service. The music reflects their style. They tell, act out, or use a video to convey the Scripture. They do everything but preach! It’s fun. It’s youthful. It’s inviting. They are growing in confidence as they stand in front of an audience and use their gifts.
This week their story is about conflict between two peoples who did not like each other. It goes like this: A king feels threatened by the size of a neighboring nation. He hires a prophet to curse them. Curses in those days had power–it was the best move to defeat your enemy. But in this case, the king found that his enemy had a very great asset: THE LORD! Come hear how that king got more than he bargained for when God turned that curse into a blessing.
Do you have an enemy you fear? Perhaps you feel like cursing him. But you might find that when you are focused on blessing, God’s power is unleashed. Let’s talk about it! Sunday school at 9:15. Worship at 10:30. I can’t wait to see you!
READ Numbers 22-24