Welcome to Lent at FPCD! We’re so excited to have you with us on this journey. This Lenten season, we have so many incredible events for you to join us in!
ASH WEDNESDAY – February 14
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season.
Drive Thru Prayer and Ashes: 7-9 AM, 4-6 PM
Ash Wednesday Service: 7 PM
LENTEN STUDY – Wed @ 7 PM, Feb 21 – Mar 27
Join us for a book study on the book “Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day” by Kate Bowler, which reminds us of the hope and beauty that can be found in the chaos of our lives.
PALM SUNDAY – March 24 at 9:15 AM and 10:30 AM
The Sunday before Easter is known as Palm Sunday, when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in his “Triumphal Entry”. Join us for Sunday School at 9:15 AM and our Worship Service at 10:30 AM.
MAUNDY THURSDAY – March 28, various locations
On Maundy Thursday, we’ll meet in homes to share a meal and a time of foot-washing in remembrance of Jesus’ humility. You can sign up here or in the narthex to attend at one of the locations!
GOOD FRIDAY – March 29, 7 PM
Good Friday commemorates the day of Jesus’ death–the day when all hope seemed to be lost and death seemed to have won. Join us for our 7 PM Good Friday service.
ALL DAY PRAYER VIGIL – Saturday, March 30
On Saturday, known as the Great Vigil of Easter, we’ll host an all day prayer vigil at FPCD. You can sign up here for a slot to pray. From 6 AM to midnight, we’ll have a prayer vigil in the open Sanctuary.
EASTER SUNDAY – 7 AM and 10:30 AM
The Easter morning Sunrise Service will be at 7 AM, followed by an Egg Hunt and the Easter Brunch. Our second service is at 10:30 AM; join us for either or both to celebrate our Lord’s resurrection!
LENT SERMON SERIES – February 18 – March 31
During the season of Lent, Pastor Rachael will be preaching a sermon series titled “Wandering Heart: Figuring out faith with Peter”. The series travels through both the hymn “Come Thou Fount” (as seen in the sermon titles) and the life of Peter the apostle. As we travel through the life of faith, wrestling with God and with our own faith, Peter provides a beautiful example of God’s faithfulness and Jesus’ steadfast purpose to bring us closer to Him. You are welcome to join us at any time during this series! All sermons are available on our website at www.fpcd.org/live, but we’d love to have you join us in person! Our Worship Service begins at 10:30 AM every week and you are always welcome to join.