For well over 35 years the community at FPCD has been participating in the ministry of Austin Street Center by providing sandwiches. Thirty dozen sandwiches each month for 35 years makes 151,200 sandwiches!!!!
You can participate by individually wrapping each sandwich and placing them in a bread loaf bag. Put them in one of the refrigerators in the Fellowship Hall sometime between Sunday afternoon and 6:45 Monday evening. Cookies and chips are also welcome.
We recently received updated instructions from Austin Street Shelter on how to properly package your sandwiches to make sure they stay fresh so they will be eaten and not thrown away:
For Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches:
Make your sandwich as you normally would with PB&J fillings, then wrap in seal-able sandwich bags (like Ziploc) – do NOT use fold-over sandwich bags.
For Meat Sandwiches:
Put meat between two slices of bread. Do not add condiments. If you would like to include cheese, please use individually wrapped cheese slices (like American Singles) and place cheese (still wrapped) next to sandwich in Ziploc style bag.
If you would like to help deliver the sandwiches, please call (972) 298-3043. Sandwiches are due every fourth Monday; to see any changes consult the church calendar.
Click HERE to find out more about the Austin Street Center.