Books have been written about the subject matter entitled here, a good man. Typically those stories contain lessons on morality. Morality can be both inward and outward. How do we make those two aspects congruent? We all know the answer–it’s not always easy! It takes courage. The Bible speaks about this dozens of times, from the beginning of the Old Testament to the end of the New. You might say this is the larger theme of the Bible.

Sunday we look at the subject matter through the lives of two men, both with varying forms of morality. One is Ananias, the other is Saul, who became Paul. As their lives converge in Damascus, their morality sharpens. They become better men. How do they do it? Join us Sunday morning for the discussion. Worship is at 10:30 and Sunday School for all ages at 9:15. Lemonade on the Lawn follows worship. I can’t wait to see you!

READ: Acts 9:10-19 and Psalm 27:1-5

READ the Message: A Good Man 



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