October 19, 2008 – Lesson One In Lordship

What does lordship mean to you? Often we think if we simply submit to God that means God is Lord. Lordship, then, is action on our part. There is certainly truth in that, but lordship encompasses so much more. Saying God is Lord means understanding the power of God to bring life out of nothing and trusting Him to do it. In essence, regardless of our response to God, God is Lord.

Abram realizes in Genesis 16 that the promise of an heir is not forthcoming. What now? With faith wavering, Sarai and he resort to their own alternative plan. No mention is made of God, asking God, or seeking God’s direction. They simply operated from the desperate desire to get pregnant. We might say they were far from honoring God as Lord because they misunderstood that He alone could make it happen.

The struggle to wait on God confronts many of us. We find that many other voices speak to us. As he watches over Abram, Sarai, and Hagar, God seems to be building a greater understanding of enduring until the proper time and trusting the God who will accomplish it.

  • Who’s speaking in your life?
  • How much time do you spend discussing what you hear with God . . . in Scripture reading? In prayer?

Read the Sermon: Lesson One In Lordship


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