A View of the Collection Plate

November 19, 2017

Topic: Stewardship

Book: Mark

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9YCWX0A54E&w=560&h=315]

The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by Christians. They were called Pilgrims because they were journeying to this new land in faith. Many things were difficult and required a great deal of trust. Storms drove them 250 miles off course, but the new landing was much better. They had no food, but an Indian showed up and the Pilgrims made a treaty with them. They did not know how to farm in this new land, but the Indians showed them how. That is to say that what seems an inevitable failure led to an incredible outcome of blessing. Thus the three-day Thanksgiving celebration, Indians and Pilgrims. Together. God provided.


We gather at 6:00 pm for our own Thanksgiving dinner in remembrance of how God took care of the early settlers of our nation. Join us! Bring a dish to share.


In Worship we talk about giving. It is only in giving that we truly understand how God provides. Sunday School at 9:15, and Worship service at 10:30. I can’t wait to see you!


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