September 19, 2010 – Who is This Holy Spirit?

The Christian faith is extraordinarily unique from all other religions. We worship a risen Lord. No other religious leader makes such claims. Jesus’ disciples testify over and over again about how they saw Him alive – resurrected! That fact is the foundation of our faith.

Jesus said before he ascended to heaven, I will be with you always. Just you wait. Just ten days later it happened. The Holy Spirit came upon them. This event attracted all kinds of attention as people from many nations heard the story of Jesus, miraculously told in their own language. Have you heard the good news that Jesus brings in a language you can understand? This week we tell the story through a 21st century skit written by Karen Carson called “Waiting for …?” with Sean and Lucy Russell, Ed and Grant Everett, and Scott and Kathleen Hartless. Join us for a hilarious and relevant way to “speak the language” in words we can understand.

READ Acts 2:1-39. Be prepared to worship on Sunday. I can’t wait!

READ THE SERMON:  Who is This Holy Spirit?


2 responses to “September 19, 2010 – Who is This Holy Spirit?”

  1. We’re not having much luck getting video to play. What player is required? I downloaded Flash player plugin and that didn’t help. Windows Media didn’t work. Real player didn’t work. Quicktime didn’t work. Any advice?

  2. Linda,
    For some reason 9/19 hasn’t been posted to the page yet. Try the last week (Sept. 12) and simply click on the play arrow and see if you can get it to play.

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