“First Things First” – Week Four

Sunday marks the last week of our “First Things First” series and the beginning of the study of Acts. The final “first thing” for the Christian is sharing this fabulous good news about knowing God. When God becomes important, when we find something to live for that helps not only in this life, but also promises eternal life, we naturally want to tell others.

Jesus wants others to hear the message, so, amazingly, He partners with men and women to do just that. Sometimes that scares us to think the burden is on us, especially living in a highly secularized culture which often seems less than receptive. But Jesus says, “I will be with you so depend on Me as you tell others about your faith.” We can rejoice in the blessing of being used by God to bring God’s gift of eternal life to others.

Read Luke 10:1-20 and Acts 1:8-9 and think about these questions:

  • How has this “First Things First” series rearranged your priorities?
  • In which area do you need to grow: spending more time with Jesus, investing more in God’s kingdom, or learning not to worry?
  • Pray for someone to cross your path this week, with whom you can share the good news

READ THE SERMON:  First Things First, Part Four: Sent On a Mission


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