October 11, 2009 – Finding Meaning in Life

Did you know Christians live with a foot in two different worlds? Nope, it’s not a bad thing, like “walking the fence.” We really do partake of both the present natural world, and we also live in the spiritual world. As Paul puts it, we love our lives with family and friends, and yet we also long for God.

Paul tells the Corinthians that believers possess a special gift which helps us know God. The gift is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us see and interpret spiritual things that are not understandable by the natural mind. The Holy Spirit also connects us to our true destiny as a child of God, giving each of us a special purpose in life and hope for eternity.

To prepare for Sunday, read 1 Corinthians 2:6-16. Ask yourself:

  • When and how am I giving the Spirit time to speak? Set aside 20 minutes each day to be alone with God, to read your One Year Bible and pray.

READ THE SERMON: The Meaning of Life


One response to “October 11, 2009 – Finding Meaning in Life”

  1. ed2tall Avatar

    When and how am I giving the Spirit time to speak?

    I have found during my daily walks, that God and I have these conversations about positive thinking, like creating happiness instead of pursuing happiness. So I start off praying each morning saying, how thankful I am that God has forgiven me for my sins. He has given me a beautiful wife 31 years and mother to three wonderful kids and a roof over our heads. I am so blessed.

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