Join First Presbyterian Church Duncanville, along with several area churches for a picnic at Armstrong Park immediately following the worship service, at 12:00 pm this Sunday. This picnic provides a way for churches to be visible to the community. Come to church dressed casually.  Bring your lawn chairs or blankets. Drinks will be provided. In case of rain, we will adjourn to the Fellowship Hall and enjoy our sandwiches together there.

While we are together, we can discuss this Sunday’s topic, FAITH and DOUBT. The Israelites continue their desert journey, but once again, they have no water. Desperate, they demand that Moses do something. Desperate, Moses pleads with the Lord. And God graciously provides water from a rock. A rock? How is that possible? I doubt that could happen! This passage challenges us to deal with our doubt; to have faith that God acts on our behalf in extraordinary ways. Come and let’s discuss it together. Read Exodus 17:1-7.

JIM STAHL tells the story this week. See you there!

READ THE SERMON: How God Works through Doubt to Help Us Believe


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