March 27, 2011 – Generosity Marks Believers

Please forward to the 37:32 mark for the sermon only.

If you experienced a miracle; if something profoundly good happened to you, what would you do? What if Jesus Christ gave His best for you. How would you celebrate? Have a party? Go shopping? Spread the word and invite people to church for a rousing worship service? After Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead Mary and Martha had a huge party for Jesus. This was the greatest event of their lives and they wanted everyone to experience the goodness of God. People came from miles to see and participate in this miracle.

Mary did something else. She bought the finest perfume money could buy. Then she honored Jesus by anointing Him with it out of her grateful heart. He told Mary, “God will use this extravagant gift in a special way to honor you throughout time.” He has. Her story is still being told. You can never out give God. At FPCD we also honor Jesus Christ with gifts as we celebrate the answers to prayer for Tristan Russell. His survival is God’s best for us. Let us continue to pray for him with full hope for a complete recovery.

READ John 12:1-11 and 1 Samuel 16:1-13

READ THE SERMON: Jesus’ Kingdom: Generosity Marks Believers


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