March 20, 2010 – Storytelling by Leo Skinner and George and Mary Huttar

Please forward to the 50:20 mark in order to watch or hear the sermon!

Two men in the New Testament carry the name Lazarus. One resides in heaven, comforted from all his life’s troubles. The second Lazarus has died from a sudden illness. His sisters grieve because Jesus, who did not arrive in time, was not there to heal him. Later, when Jesus arrived, He called people to a new level of faith in asking them to believe He raises the dead. Taking the risk of believing His words, the people opened the grave, and Jesus miraculously brought Lazarus to life.

A man in Hades sees the vision of the first Lazarus and laments the fact that when on earth he had not believed. He desires for someone to tell his still-living brothers so they will not make the same mistake. Jesus says, “Folks must believe from Moses and the prophets, and also from my miracles.” People will rise from the dead only if they believe. This Sunday we will talk about building our faith to gain the marvelous benefits of believing, which is life forever. STORYTELLING WILL MAKE THE SCRIPTURE COME ALIVE! Join us at 10:30. The choir sings “In paradisum” from Requiem.

Read the story: John 11:1-44 and Deuteronomy 8:1-3, 5-10

READ THE SERMON: Jesus’ Kingdom Has Power Over Death


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