Friday & Saturday, August 3-4, 2018 – NATURALLY SUPERNATURAL

Do you ever think, I would like to experience more of the power of Jesus. I would like to live out my faith as an adventure. How do I get there? We have just the thing for you! Join us TONIGHT, from 7-9 p.m. and TOMORROW, 9:30-4:00 to learn how to experience God more fully, without being weird! Naturally. Yet, knowing that Jesus is entirely Supernatural, and you will hear how to lift your sights to His level. PAUL MACONOCHIE of 3D Movement leads us.

It’s at FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ARLINGTON, 1200 S. Collins Street, Arlington, TX.  The cost is $40, which includes snacks and lunch. Just show up! No need to register. I can’t wait to see you!


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