Imagine going to the garden of Jesus’ tomb that Resurrection Day so long ago. Of course, Jesus’ friends didn’t understand (as they said) “what this rising from the dead meant.” But some women went out to the tomb, and one of them, Mary Magdalene, lingered there. In lingering, she is the one to whom Jesus revealed Himself. When she encountered Him she did not recognize Him. He asked her, “Whom are you looking for?”
That reminds me that when the first disciples were called Jesus asked them, “Whom are you looking for?” That’s the question for all of us this Easter. We look for the One who has life to offer, and this is the One! He is risen! Are you seeking Him this Easter? If you are, you will find Him this day. He is Here!
To prepare for the services read John 20. Sunrise service at 7 am on the patio. We’ll talk about Mary’s discovery at the tomb. At the 10:30 service in the sanctuary, we’ll look at Thomas’ encounter with Jesus, who told him, Simply Believe! See you there!
READ the SUNRISE SERMON: Whom Are You Looking For?
READ the 10:30 SERMON: Simply Believe
Other Sunday morning events:
Pancake breakfast – 8:00 Fellowship Hall
Easter Egg Hunt – 9:00 on the Patio
Sunday School – 9:15
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