7/25/21 – Sharing Your Blessing from God: LOVE

Last week we talked about the first greatest commandment but here’s one equally important: love your neighbor as yourself. When stated like that, it sure seems like a duty! But what if we saw our source, and that source eased the burden? And what if Our Source loved us first and actually blessed us, and called us by His Name?

God blesses us because God honors us with the power of His name. God blesses us because we are His and we believe in Jesus. Therefore, we reach out to others with that blessing in our hands. What a blessing to be a blessing! That is our lesson in worship for this Sunday. JOIN US at 9:15 for Sunday School and 10:30 for Worship. I can’t wait to see you!

READ:  Colossians 3:1-17 and Numbers 6:22-27

READ the MESSAGE:  Sharing Your Blessing from God: LOVE


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