7/15/18 – The Outcome of Your Testimony

Christians know that we are to tell others the good news. It’s like any good news–if you see a good movie or get a good deal or something spectacular happens to you, you want to share it with others, right? Well, to know the happy ending of faith in Jesus is great news! The challenge is, of course,  finding the right place and the right words to share it so that it will be received. But there’s something that might help us with that responsibility.

God often talks about the outcome of being people of faith way in advance. He talks a great deal about the happiness of the outcome: a beautiful city filled with the products and processes of culture made by nations being brought into the city for God’s people; people made beautiful by Christ himself. John says at the end of his Gospel this is our testimony so that you can believe in Jesus and experience this life. We continue the testimony, pointing to the greatest blessing. Sunday during 10:30 worship we install new elders JEFF THORPE and MARNA BAYLESS, followed by a potluck lunch. Sunday School at 9:15. I can’t wait to see you!

READ: John 20:29-31, John 21:24-25, Isaiah 60:10-18

READ the MESSAGE:  The Outcome of Your Testimony


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