6/4/23 – Careless Words

Join us this Sunday at 10:30 AM as Rev. Dr. Dale Patterson brings us a sermon titled, “Careless Words” from Matthew 12:33-37. Dale is no stranger to FPCD. He’s joined us a few times before, and we look forward to hearing what he has to share with us this week!

He is a retired Presbyterian pastor of 40 years. He had three pastorates, one in Wabash Valley Presbytery, as an Associate at Highland Park Presbyterian/Dallas, and as organizing pastor of Hackberry Creek Presbyterian Church, Irving for thirty two years. His hobbies include reading, motorcycling, and cooking. He and his wife live in Coppell, TX.

This Saturday our Men’s Ministry is meeting for their bi-weekly Fellowship at 9:00 AM in the fellowship hall. All men are encouraged to attend!

We also have Sunday School classes at 9:15 AM for all ages. We invite everyone to stay for 10:30 AM Worship — come for hope, spiritual growth, and fellowship! 

See you soon!

– Nyadia


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