4/7, 4/8, and 4/9/2023 – We Serve a Risen Savior!


Today is Good Friday, and TONIGHT we invite you to join us for a Worship Service of Scripture and Song on “The Seven Last Words of Christ” at 7:00 PM. This will be a wonderful service with lots of music and Scripture readings to help us focus on Christ’s last moments before his death. You won’t want to miss it! Come, and bring your whole family! Nursery will be provided for our youngest children in the Education building, starting at 6:30 PM.

Tomorrow, we will have our all-day Holy Saturday Prayer Vigil! If you have not signed up yet, I encourage you to do so, either in-person tonight, or online here: www.fpcd.org/prayer-vigil. We still have five evening time-slots available beginning at 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 10:30, and 11:00 PM.

Sunday is Easter! Join us as we celebrate our risen Savior! We will have a Sunrise Service at 6:45 AM on the patio, led by Dennis Walters. This will be immediately followed by Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall. At 9:15 AM, we will have Sunday School for all-ages, with a Children’s Easter Egg Hunt beginning at 10 AM. All kids are invited to participate, and all adults are invited to watch! This is a fun way for your family to celebrate Easter together.

Sunday, at 10:30 AM, join us for our Easter Worship Service, led by Rev. Jim Witherow. Rev. Witherow will be preaching a message called “Who Believes this Nonsense?” from Luke 24:1-12.

Come and be blessed!



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