4/14/2024 – Call to Worship

It’s a new week, and a new sermon series from our pastor, Rev. Rachael McConnell! The sermon series is titled “Reformed and Always Reforming”, and you can read more about it here! This week, Rev. Rachael is focusing on the Call to Worship, the first part of our Worship Service every week. Join us for this special time of exploring worship and for our Youth Sunday! Sunday School begins at 9:15 AM and the Worship Service is at 10:30 AM.

This week:
The Member Care Team meets this upcoming Monday, April 15, at 7 PM.
The Parking Lot Ministry will take place at 4 PM on Thursday, April 18, in our parking lot!
Session meets this Thursday, April 18 at 7 PM.
Next week, we’ll have our monthly potluck on Sunday, April 21.


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