2/27/22 – The Two-way Street Does NOT Work for Jesus

VALUES. What do you hold dear? What would you not want to live without? What do you hope to live by in the future? We may not be able to identify those things immediately, but we do inadvertently assess them each day with our actions. Have you wondered how your values align with those of our culture? And then, do you think about how our cultural values align with your Christian values? These are helpful things to think about. Jesus challenges a successful young governmental leader to do just that when the young man asks him about the future gains of his own religious beliefs and actions.

Sunday Worship at 10:30 offers a special treat as our young FPCD Cajón players perform. Join Sunday School for all ages at 9:15. I can’t wait to see you!

READ: Mark 10:17-31 and Exodus 20:3-5 and Exodus 20:11-17

READ the SERMON:  The Two-way Street Does NOT Work for Jesus


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