2/19/23 – This is Your City

On Sunday, Pastor Ginger will preach her final sermon during the Worship Service at 10:30 as she prepares to retire. She began at FPCD in 2008. At that time the elders were praying about who would be their new pastor–they felt that the Lord had something for them to do! They also assessed their city. If FPCD closed, would anyone in the community care–or even know?! They felt the nudge from God to reach out and bless Duncanville and share the hope of faith in Jesus Christ. Pastor Ginger was a good fit and together she and the church have worked (and prayed!) to do just that. 

On Saturday night, February 18th, 7 p.m. in the FPCD sanctuary, we are holding a celebration to thank Pastor Ginger and the community is invited. There will be music, an orchestra, and testimonies, followed by a simple dessert. Sunday morning, February 19, 10:30, Pastor Ginger will preach her final sermon. But with six kids, she jokes that there will never be a final sermon! You are invited to that as well. Sunday School is at 9:15. We hope you will join us for this special day!

READ:  Psalm 121 and Philippians 2:12-16, Philippians 4:1

READ the Sermon:  This is Your City


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