12/13/20 – Solitude in the Sanctuary

Solitude in the Sanctuary – Come sit in the stillness during Advent! Be blessed by its beauty. Listen to quiet music. To make a reservation, please call the church office. There’s a sign up sheet on the door of the Sanctuary if you would like to sign up in person. Then you can check to see which hours are open. When you enter, turn on the lights and tree by pushing up all of the “slides” on the light switch on the left wall. If you like, turn on the CD player near the organ. Hand sanitizer is also there. Please turn off the CD player and the lights when you leave. If you are there outside of office hours (M-TH, 8:00-5:00), please be sure to lock the door. 

This is the third Sunday of Advent. How observant are you of the blessings in your life? As we contemplate the mystery of God’s plan to send Jesus and how that mystery is not easily accessible from the worldly point of view, we’ll talk about how to recognize the blessings. It’s one thing when things go well, but in hard times, learning to recognize God’s blessings can lift us up. 

Sunday School takes place at 9:15. The Basics class welcomes older children in the children’s wing and there’s also a class in Fellowship Hall. Worship is at 10:30, both IN PERSON and ONLINE. I can’t wait to “see” you!

READ:  I Corinthians 1:30 and 1 Corinthians 2:6-10

READ the Message:  The Mystery of God: We were Made for Faith


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