12/20/20 – Lessons & Carols, A Christmas Presentation

The angel Gabriel told Mary, who wanted to know how she could possibly have a baby when she was a virgin, “Nothing is impossible with God.” How does the church at home and the church in the sanctuary participate together during a pandemic? With God, nothing is impossible!

First Presbyterian has worked hard to stay in that hopeful place of “nothing is impossible with God” in order to see what God might accomplish during impossible times. Of course, that takes thinking out of the box and doing what used to seem crazy. This Sunday FPCD presents–“Lessons & Carols” by people at home and also by people who are live, in the sanctuary. We can’t wait for you to experience it, so join us!

Sunday School at 9:15 (with one class both in person and also on Zoom and the other class in person only). Nursery is also available. The worship service takes place at 10:30. Join us–ONLINE or IN PERSON, with “VIRTUAL” people and “IN PERSON” people. It’s a whole new world and nothing is impossible with God!



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