1/19/20 – Jesus’ Way with Words

We are talking about walking as disciples of Jesus in 2020. But when you read the words of Jesus have you ever been confused? Have his words raised questions for you? They certainly have for me, and they did for his followers as well. This is not something new–in fact, it goes way back. Carol Orwig tells the story in Jeremiah about when the king heard God’s words and he became so angry he burned them up. Sunday we talk about how to grow in greater understanding and appreciation of God’s Words.

Sunday is Potluck Sunday, so bring a dish to share after the worship service. Sunday school begins at 9:15 for all ages, and Worship at 10:30. Come join us with your questions. I can’t wait to see you!

READ: John 6:57-69 and Jeremiah 36

READ the MESSAGE:  Jesus’ Way with Words 


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