09/24/23 – God, Where to From Here?

Join us Sunday, September 24 as we welcome back Dorothy Burton, guest speaker, as she comes to us with a message from Jeremiah 33:3. Sunday School for all ages begins at 9:15 AM in the Education Building and Fellowship Hall, and Worship at 10:30 AM in the Sanctuary.

Parking Lot Prayer Ministry is meeting Wednesday at 4:00 PM to greet & pray with parents and guardians waiting to pick up their students in our church parking lot. 

Choir rehearses Wednesday at 7:00 PM and we invite you to sing with us, even if for a short season.

Last but not least we invite you to prepare Sandwiches for the homeless. They due to the church kitchen, Monday September 25, by 6:45 PM. Email info@fpcd.org or call the church office with any questions. 


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