09/22/2024 – “Favor”

This Sunday at First Presbyterian Church Duncanville, join us for Pastor Rachael’s sermon titled “Favor,” based on Mark 9:30-37. We’ll explore the concept of God’s favor through the lens of the kingdom, where the last shall be first, and the first shall be last. In a world that often values status and power, Jesus teaches us a different way of understanding greatness and favor in God’s eyes. Sunday School for all ages begins at 9:15 AM, and our Worship Service starts at 10:30 AM. Come reflect on this powerful message and grow with us in faith and humility!

Coming up this week:

Sandwiches are due this Monday at 6:45 PM. Remember, your church key still works for the door up the stairs by the office; if you still need a code for the other door contact the office ASAP.

Choir rehearses on Wednesday at 7 PM as usual.

Practicing the Way will be on pause on September 26 while Pastor Rachael is out of town.


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