09/15/2024 “From Here to Maturity”

This Sunday at First Presbyterian Church Duncanville, we conclude our five-week series “From Here to Maturity” with Pastor Rachael’s final sermon, based on Ephesians 4. Join us as we explore what it means to grow in spiritual maturity, becoming more like Christ as we live in unity and build one another up in love. This powerful message will challenge us to continue our journey of faith, seeking maturity in both our personal lives and as a community. Sunday School starts at 9:15 AM, and our Worship Service begins at 10:30 AM. Come and grow with us in Christ!

Potluck is this Sunday! We hope you’ll be able to join us.
Confirmation class continues this Sunday (not on break, as my email Monday stated), and the 22nd. The only date it will be on break is September 29.
Coming up this week, the MCT meets on Monday at 7, Session meets Tuesday at 7, Choir meets Wednesday at 7, the Parking Lot Ministry is at 4PM on Thursday, and the book study is from 6-8 on Thursday. We’ll finish out the week with the men’s fellowship on Saturday at 9 AM.


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