May 22, 2011 – Congregational Forum

You are invited to attend the congregational forum to be held immediately following the worship service Sunday, May 22, 2011. The PCUSA General Assembly at its upcoming meeting this summer will repeal what is known as the “Fidelity & Chastity” clause in the Book of Order. Meeting agenda includes:

  • Discuss what this repeal will mean for the future of the PCUSA and FPCD
  • Discuss FPCD’s and the pastor’s response to this action
  • Discuss a gathering in Minneapolis in August pondering the options for Confessing churches in the PC(USA)

Following the presentation there will be a brief Q&A time.


2 responses to “May 22, 2011 – Congregational Forum”

  1. Can you provide a link gives the exact current reading of the relevant part of the Book of Order and then indicate what the new proposed reading will be? In other words, a before an after comparison. I’d appreciate being able to know the exact wording.


  2. Yes, we will have that on Sunday morning at the meeting.
    Blessings! Ginger

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