May 22, 2011 – SPECIAL STORYTELLING by Jim and Janet Stahl and George and Mary Huttar

Do you like adventure stories? Are you going to the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie? If you like adventure you won’t want to miss this Sunday’s worship service when the Stahls and the Huttars tell the story. Paul sets sail for Rome but unexpected delays occur. Too late in the season for safe travel, the ship encounters a typhoon and all hope is abandoned. Sometimes life seems to offer the same for us!

But God can navigate through all circumstances no matter how impossible. We will talk about when spiritual life crosses practical obstacles and how to stay strong in faith. Speaking about staying faithful, we will also have a congregational forum about the new amendment which will take effect in July, changing ordination standards for the PC(USA). The meeting will take place right after the 10:30 worship service.

READ Acts 27 – Acts 28:1-16 and Psalm 116:1-14

READ THE SERMON: Be Spiritual and Use Common Sense!


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