February 21, 2010 – God’s First Strike: Blood Everywhere

What does it mean to follow God? What is different about having God in your life? This week’s message talks about two men – one a very powerful, competent ruler who didn’t really think living with God made much of a difference at all. Then there was Moses, who, as he learned to live by faith began to experience the power of God in his life. What a difference, as Moses stepped out and did things far beyond his capacity. Sunday we will explore the story. To prepare read Exodus 7.

Next week brings many opportunities, both on a practical level, as the FINANCIAL SEMINAR is about Helping Your Family, 7-8 pm on Tuesday, February 23. Then, Wednesday February 24, we’ll gather to Go Deeper with Jesus for the LENTEN SERIES. That begins at 6:00 with a soup and sandwich supper, followed at 6:30-7:15 with our study. Special guest, Dave Ervin, guitarist will lead music. PLAN TO JOIN US!

Childcare provided. For more information call the church office at 972 298-3043.

READ THE SERMON: God’s First Strike: Blood Everywhere


One response to “February 21, 2010 – God’s First Strike: Blood Everywhere”

  1. What does it mean to follow God?

    For me following in God’s footsteps….is to helping the poor, helping others, give back to the community, tell people about God. Spread his good news. We have so much hate in this world, if we only follow God’s words. God has our backs, have faith, “good things will follow you”.

    What is different about having God in your life?

    Having God in my life is like having this guy that will protect you always. He gives you countless opportunities to do his good works. He created us in his own image. This is an amazing person. God is the great protector.

    Ed Everett

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