May 17, 2009 – Special Storytelling of The Rich Fool by Leo Skinner & Michelle Petersen

This week’s parable is the story of the rich fool, a successful man who hoarded his personal possessions for his own pleasure. He was called a “fool” because he poured all his energies into accumulation but put little effort into getting to know God.

As we study each parable, we’ll see that no subject is off limits. Jesus offers His opinion about our relationships to God and one another, as well as what we do with our time and success. This parable is quite relevant for our own culture today, addressing values that we hold in high esteem. Yet Jesus has another perspective. Keep an open mind as you read it and perhaps you will find freedom in what He says.

To prepare for Sunday Worship read Luke 12:15-31 and think about the following:

  • What priority does spiritual growth and nurture hold in your life?
  • What steps might you take to adjust yourself according to this passage?

READ THE SERMON:   Filling Your 401K With God


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