Due to some technical difficulties, the entire message was not recorded. Please forward to the 27 minute mark of the video in order to see the sermon only.
Do you know any shepherds? While shepherds are rare, they are still around in many parts of the world. And, when you see one shepherd calling and leading a hundred sheep, it is certainly impressive. In years past, sheep ownership indicated significant wealth and authority, thus their image has been a powerful one. Often kings utilized the symbol of the shepherd’s crook for their insignia because it represented the combination of authority, justice, and kindness; something a king was supposed to provide his subjects.
The writers of the Bible called Jesus the “Good Shepherd” and, considering the importance of the image, it fits well. King Jesus brings authority – but also justice. Jesus leads us – but with great love and compassion, picking up the weak and carrying them in His arms or on His shoulders; as well as empowering His followers with a strong call to follow Him.
Our services portray all our messages through music, story, and art – the arts. This week violinist ASHLEY DITTMAN accompanies the choir’s performance of a medley arranged by ANDREW DITTMAN.
COME AND BE BLESSED! 10:30 in the Sanctuary.
To prepare read John 10:1-18 and Ezekiel 34:11-16
READ THE SERMON: Belonging to the Good Shepherd
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