June 26, 2011 – God Loves You Wherever You Are

Please forward to the 39 minute mark in order to hear the sermon only.

Most of you have probably grown up singing, “Jesus loves me this I know.” And even now, in worship we sing, “O, how He loves us so, O, how He loves us, how He loves us so.” The Psalmist writes, “With the Lord there is steadfast love.” The question is, do you wake up each day thinking about it?

This Sunday, we revel in God’s constant, unstoppable love. Like a gushing spring, God’s love awakens and energizes those who desire it. I hope that will be you, and that you will join us. The choir sings “Blessings,” arranged by our own Steve Bayless. Beautiful art will bless you too. See you at 10:30.

Read Psalm 139 and Luke 15:1-7

READ THE SERMON: God Loves You Wherever You Are




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