July 12, 2009 – Keeping Our Part of the Deal, Nehemiah Series

The people of Jerusalem had outside enemies who came against them during the building of the wall, but an internal threat of disobedience to God’s laws seems to have been an even greater threat. People acted according to selfish interests. Biblical monetary practices were ignored, resulting in gross abuse which deeply affected the culture. Nehemiah addressed these issues, calling the people to simply do the right thing and live as God commanded in Scripture. The people listened and changed, and what a difference it made.

A believer’s behavior affects how faith develops and matures. Bad habits and lethargic commitment weaken your faith. Choosing to ignore God’s principles has consequences not only for yourself, but also for the body of Christ – and for the church’s reputation in the world. But there is great hope to overcome and be victorious. Come hear the story this Sunday. It’s completely relevant to today’s issues.

To prepare, read Nehemiah 5.

Then ask yourself:

  • How are you doing with money management?
  • Do you look to God for help with money problems?

READ THE SERMON: Keeping Our Part of the Deal


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