January 9, 2011 – How God Bridges the Culture Gap

HAPPY NEW YEAR! January is the time of year for making new resolutions. Have you made yours? Have you ever done something new that was a challenge for you or made a change that stretched your comfort zone? Perhaps for you the challenge might be a diet or exercise or a more austere budget.

In the Bible, the followers of Jesus found that they were often challenged to move in new directions. This week Peter finds himself associating with people from a culture he never imagined he would befriend. As the two cultures come together for dialogue about religion, Jesus Christ breaks down a huge wall that had existed for centuries. It’s good stuff, and as our nation becomes increasingly diverse, it might have a helpful word to say to us. I’m excited about it! Come join us. See you Sunday at 10:30.

To prepare read: Acts 10, Isaiah 57:15-19, Isaiah 60:1-5, 9

READ THE SERMON: How God Bridges the Culture Gap


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