Do you know the difference between an adventure and a quest? An adventure is bold, risky, hazardous action of uncertain outcome. A quest adds the element of seeking; it is a pursuit made in order to find or obtain something. Which appeals to you more? Our mission as Christians indeed involves both. That fact shines loud and clear in the lives of Paul and Barnabas as they regroup with friends after their first missionary journey.
Have you thought of being a Christian as a quest and an adventure? The Christian lifestyle has nothing to do with “life as usual.” But wait, you say, it seems pretty average to me! Well, let’s say Christianity according to the Book of Acts is definitely a quest and an adventure – the quest is seeking and finding God. The adventure plays out when we share that opportunity with others at all costs, regardless of the outcome. Sunday’s story is filled with quest and adventure. Join us for the excitement! See you there.
READ Acts 14:21-28 and Psalm 23
READ THE SERMON: We are in This Together, For Better or For Worse!
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