December 12, 2010 – CHRISTMAS CHOIR CONCERT, 4 pm in the Sanctuary

After His birth Jesus had visitors. Wise men came to pay homage and bear gifts. They experienced exceedingly great joy upon finding God’s long-predicted King of the Jews. Countering that honor, King Herod came against Jesus with a vengeance to annihilate this perceived threat. In the midst of this great clash, God’s plan was not thwarted. God moved to bring Jesus and His family to safety. Janet Stahl will tell the story from Matthew 2:1-18.

This passage certainly reflects vastly different responses to Jesus. For those of us who choose to joyfully embrace Him, come, let us worship the baby born at Bethlehem this Sunday! The Christmas Choir concert takes place at 4:00 pm. Called “A Baby Changes Everything,” you will love the music and stories. Our hope is great. Let’s celebrate!

All are welcome. Childcare available.

READ THE SERMON: Joseph Thwarts Satan’s Threat Against Jesus


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