When you think about Jesus’ last week on earth, did you ever wonder what was in Jesus’ mind? The Bible actually tells us Jesus’ thoughts, and honestly, He struggled with the task before Him. But God helped Jesus when some Greek people came seeking Him. That event connected Jesus with why He would die, which was so that people from all nations could receive eternal life.

Do you think of Jesus’ death from His perspective? It was amazingly hard. But He clung to God’s vision of love for the entire world. Let little visions of what you do for Jesus drive you to commit yourself to Him without reservation. Although hard to do sometimes, there is now, and will be no greater reward. The CHOIR sings about it: Let All the World in Every Corner Sing by Ralph V. Williams. Join us! Communion will be celebrated.

To prepare read: John 12:20-32 and Psalm 100

READ THE SERMON:  Jesus’ Kingdom is for All People


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