Have you ever had to come to grips with reality? Your credit card is maxed out. Your girlfriend no longer likes you. Your job application was just turned down–what now? If you’ve spent time somewhere in life preparing for the future, you will probably be in good shape. But Nebuchadnezzar, even though a powerful king, was anxious about the future.
Whether you attend church or not, have you considered the Christian faith and its practice of worshiping God each week as a lifeline in hard times? Daniel had come to understand that. In hard times, Daniel did not only stand strong, but he was able to lead others. It’s an interesting lesson. Join us Sunday at 10:30 for worship. Sunday School classes are at 9:15 for all ages, and 9:30 for the new class called “God’s Friend,” which meets in the office. I’m excited! I can’t wait to see you!
READ: Daniel 2:26-49
READ the MESSAGE: Eternity Confronts Nebuchadnezzar
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