9/8/19 – The Nature of Personal Integrity

How many horse quotes are you familiar with? There’s “horse sense.” How about “stop horsing around!” What about “get off your high horse” or “beat a dead horse” or “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” or “hold your horses!” That last one is from 800 B.C. and was said in Homer’s Iliad. 

Eugene Peterson coined a phrase (which originates in the Bible) to define the type of man Jeremiah would become–a man who could run with horses. He would become a man of strength, courage, and character. This type of integrity is accessible to us all, with God’s help. But it doesn’t come automatically. Join us Sunday at 10:30 for worship as we talk about it. Sunday School for all starts at 9:15. Bring a canned good (or 2!) for Duncanville Outreach Ministry.

I’m “chomping at the bit” because I can’t wait to see you!

READ: Jeremiah 2:1-8 and 2 Corinthians 5:14-18 and 2 Corinthians 6:1

READ the MESSAGE:  The Nature of Personal Integrity



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