8-21-22 – Anyone Thirsty?

A philosopher from the 4th Century named Augustine wrote this prayer to God: “Thou hast made us for Thyself O God, and the heart of man(kind) is restless until it finds its rest in Thee.” He understood this for his life was once godless and restless, until in God’s mercy he came to faith in Christ.

Sunday, guest preacher Rev. Jim Witherow brings us a message about a woman who lived a selfish, restless life. Jesus always struck up a conversation with such people. He did just that, revealing who he was to this woman–and what a change it made! Join us for worship at 10:30 and hear this marvelous story. Sunday School is at 9:15. Following worship enjoy Lemonade on the Lawn. I can’t wait to see you!

READ: John 4:1-42



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