8/18/19 – How Much God Longs to Hear Your Prayers

At times we honor people by proclaiming their attributes and accomplishments. This happens when someone receives an award. It happens when someone is thanked for something, and they are “roasted.”  People’s assets are almost always proclaimed at their funeral! How often do you recall or speak of God’s assets?

When we pray, we have greater confidence if we understand that God is for us; God loves to hear our prayers; and God is willing to defend us. Jesus says “pray more.” This Sunday we will see Jesus’ clear vision of the benefits. We will talk about just how far God will go to answer our prayers. Worship is at 10:30; Sunday School at 9:15. After worship join us for a potluck and a chance to say goodbye to Gary Walters who is going off on mission. I can’t wait to see you!

READ: Psalm 18:6-17 and Luke 11:5-13

READ the MESSAGE:  How Much God Longs to Hear Your Prayers



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