On Sunday, join us to hear a message from Jeff Thorpe. Worship will be held both in-person and ONLINE at 10:30 AM. Adult Sunday School Classes have resumed with social distancing at 9:15 AM. Tune in to hear the message at www.fpcd.org/live-stream.
From Jeff:
As Ginger has been preaching about Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, right by his side was Ezra rebuilding the temple church, or in earlier days called the Tabernacle. The walls of Jerusalem meant security but the church was a representation of God’s Holy presence.
Pastor Ginger has allowed me to do a three-part series on, Why is the Tabernacle Important?
Join me Sunday at 10:30 as we learn about God’s Presence in the Tabernacle. Looking forward to meeting you there.
READ: Exodus 40:34-38 and Acts 17:22-34
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