6/18/17 – Standing Strong Under Pressure

Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day. That celebration reminds us of the aspiration to be good fathers. We Christians have the perfect example of God as our Father: “The Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness” (Exodus 34:6). What a beautiful picture. But often the pressures of life make God’s grace and mercy seem far away.

How do we handle pressure? Paul, Silas, and Timothy have much to say about the high hopes that are accomplished by the pressures of life. Join us at 9:15 for Sunday School and donuts, and at 10:30 for worship. Then take your father out to lunch. Or better yet, take a new look at your everlasting Father and get to know Him. Start today! You will be blessed!

READ: 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:10 and Deuteronomy 8:2-6

READ the MESSAGE:  Standing Strong Under Pressure



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