5/26/19 – Follow the Leader: God Goes Before You!

If you were to do a survey on the street about how people view the power of God, what do you think they would say? What vision do people have of God’s power? What vision do Christians have of God’s power in the lives of God’s people? This week marks the transition from Moses to a new younger leader, a transition marked by the promise of God’s power. Come hear how God enables the transition from older to younger, a relevant topic for our own young people, several of whom are graduating. 

This Sunday we celebrate our YOUTH GRADUATIONS. The YOUTH lead the service at 10:30. RECEPTION AFTER WORSHIP in the Fellowship Hall.   Come and support them with your presence and well-wishes. I can’t wait to see you — and to CELEBRATE!

READ: Deuteronomy 31:1-8

READ the MESSAGE:  Follow the Leader: God Goes Before You!


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