3/31/19 – Guest Preacher Craig Krueger

This Sunday while Pastor Ginger is away, Rev. Craig Krueger visits FPCD. Craig lives in Ennis, Texas and for the past sixteen years, pastored First Presbyterian Church Ennis, a member of the Fellowship Community. You may have seen him at the Fellowship Pastors group that often meets here at FPCD. After completing his term at his church, he began working at Grace Presbytery in January.

Craig received his Masters of Divinity from Memphis Theological Seminary
and a D. Min. from Bethel Seminary. He loves spiritual development and counseling. He also loves dogs, longhorn cattle, and all things “country.” You will thoroughly enjoy greeting him. Please give him a very warm welcome and send your well-wishes with him to our Presbytery. He will preach on Ephesians 6:1-9.

READ: Ephesians 6:1-9 and Deuteronomy 8:1-6


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