2/4/18 – Do You Want to See Great Things?

What if a man came up to you and said, “I see in you a man (or woman) in whom there is no hypocrisy!” That would feel sort of good, wouldn’t it? Would you think to yourself, well, that’s a smart man! Such a greeting might initiate a conversation. The one to whom such words were spoken responded, “Where did you get to know me?” The first man said, “Oh, the other day I saw you sitting under that tree.” That’s how Jesus struck up a conversation and made a new friend.

The friend became a devoted follower of Jesus and never looked back. Perhaps you might wonder how Jesus would address you, should he see you at church on Sunday! Wouldn’t that be an intriguing thought? We will explore his willingness to meet us where we are this Sunday in worship, which happens at 10:30. DUB GUTHRIE tells the story. Sunday School begins at 9:15.         I can’t wait to see you!

READ: John 1:43-51

READ THE MESSAGE:  Do You Want to See Great Things?


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