2/24/19 – Testimony Sunday

Join us for the second annual “Testimony Sunday” by people in the church who are doing ministry. You will hear about different areas of current and new ministries, and also be given opportunities to serve. We will thank our leadership teams of elders and deacons, and also install three new deacons. We will remember our loved ones who are now part of the Church Triumphant. NYADIA THORPE sings a solo in honor of Black History Month and the choir sings a new spiritual called “Walk Together Children.” Jeff Thorpe brings the message. We have much to be joyful about, so JOIN US!

Following the service we’ll gather in the Fellowship Hall for a potluck. So bring a dish to share, come prepare to be blessed, and let’s celebrate, FPCD! I can’t wait to see you!

READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


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