12/4/22 – Second Sunday of Advent . . . and JOYS & TOYS CHRISTMAS CONCERT, 5:00 p.m., Shine Performance Hall, at Duncanville High School

This second Sunday of Advent we talk about “Seeking to be Wise.” The wise men had extraordinary sense of the Heavenly Kingdom. They put that sense into action when they embarked on a journey following a star. Who today would think that was wise when we have Google maps? And, they did have to stop and ask for directions! But Heavenly Action had led the shepherds to Jesus and it would be no less for these wise kings. Sunday we look at the actions of the wise as well as the actions of the unwise. JOIN a Sunday school class at 9:15 and WORSHIP at 10:30. We hope to see you!

At 5:00 p.m. Joys & Toys, the Christmas Concert presented, in partnership with the Duncanville Chamber of Commerce, will feature performances by the Duncanville Community Chorus, Duncanville Schools, and Church Kids Choirs. The purpose is to provide hope, joy, and toys for families who need our support through Duncanville Police Department’s Santa Cop Program. Bring a toy! We’re in this together. If you use Facebook, check out our Event Page, mark yourself as “Attending!” 

READ: Matthew 2:1-12

READ the SERMON:  Seek to Be Wise


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